Finding Balance as a Mum of Multiples: An Interview with Eliza from Twingenuity

We recently sat down with the lovely Eliza from Twingenuity. She has been an inspiration, giving birth to the lovely Charlie and then finding out she was pregnant with twins just 6 weeks later. She is now juggling three kids under two and we asked her how she does it...

How Do You Find Balance Between All the Craziness?

I try and maintain some balance (because let’s face it - especially in the early newborn months - it’s not always possible). I make sure that at least “some” elements of my day are on my terms. 

There has to be “some” balance - a “give and take” between you and your baby. Sometimes I do things on their terms - sometimes on mine.

If I've put my baby down knowing they are fed, burped, changed, loved and settled and make myself a cup of tea only to find that halfway through they start crying… I finish my tea.

Similarly, I try not to take routine too seriously. If I want to head out and have coffee with a friend but its nap time… they can nap in the pram. By allowing myself to do things for me, I avoid feeling trapped at home.

You Have Three Kids Under Two. What is Your Recommendation to Other Mums of What to do When You Feel Overwhelmed?

It’s not easy, this mum gig! Sometimes we can find ourselves feeling overwhelmed, over tired and over worked!

But here’s the thing... we can only do what we can do.

In this way, I find it helpful to let go of expectations.

Expectations of the jobs you need to or would like to get done today.

Expectations of your babies keeping to their routine today.

Expectations you will make it out and about today.

All of them.

Just live one day to the next.

One moment to the next - free from your pre baby’s unreasonable expectations.

And it takes some training.

It’s hard because, until you become a mother the expectations, you have set for yourself have always been within reason. They have always been accomplishable. You know what your limits are.  You know what you can do and you do it!

But when you have one, two, three or more little people you now need to take into account - Your old expectations need to be revisited, reassessed and RE’winded’. Accept that, at least for the time being, the bare essentials are enough.

Do You Have Any Breastfeeding Tips for Other Mums of Multiples?

Breastfeeding is a commitment. It’s an ongoing commitment that you make to yourself and your baby.

It’s not always easy. Some days you feel like giving up. But it’s a commitment and one that is worth your struggle.

I tandem fed my boys for the first month.

It was a serious challenge.

It’s an art - one that takes a long time to perfect!

You’ve got babies rolling everywhere, newborns still establishing how to latch - it is quite crazy business!

This being so I decided to express for my boys.

I would recommend:

Breastfeeding one whilst bottle feeding EBM (expressed breast milk) the other - and then alternate.

This way you’re giving one baby at a time to skin to skin contact.

These days, with life getting busier, I find it easier to exclusively express and bottle feed.

This way I can sit down with the boys propped up infant of me and look at both and enjoy the interaction.

This way I’ve got two hands to work with!

What is Your Favourite Part About Being a Mum?

My favourite part about being a mum is watching Charlie (my 14-month-old girl) interact with her new brothers Jack and Wolfe (10 weeks).

She loved getting involved with feeding, giving kisses and shhh’ing’ them to sleep.

Admittedly she is not always the greatest help. Haha! Sometimes her affections are not reciprocated (her kisses usually end in a headbutt) - But it a so beautiful and exciting to watch them grow together.

Who Are Your Key Support People with Your Young Family?

My key support person is my mum. A midwife for over 25 years, I am so grateful for the help and advice she provides.

She is one of the reasons I decided to set up our blog page Twingenuity.

I felt that I was blessed with midwife advice growing up - advice that until now meant nothing to me haha!

So my hope is that through our blog we can support other women and mothers with the same advice I (until now) took for granted.

How would you describe your own breastfeeding journey? What questions do you have for us? Please join the conversation and visit our Medela Australia Facebook community. Let’s support each other!