PersonalFit™ PLUS double pump set for Symphony® Local contact

PersonalFit™ PLUS double pump set for Symphony®

Designed for pumping mothers to use easily1 and comfortably2,3 at home, PersonalFit™ PLUS rental pump sets for Symphony® are also proven to yield more milk in the same time,2 when compared to standard pump sets.

*Please note this product is only available in Australia.

At a glance

  • Same pump set design as used in hospitals
  • Tested and proven in clinical studies
  • Double pump sets available in three sizes
  • Single-user product designed for home use
  • Quick and easy to assemble, clean and sanitise  
  • Offers more comfortable,2,3 efficient2 milk removal
A mother who has a Medela breast pump rental using a PersonalFit™ PLUS reusable rental pump set for Symphony® at home.

Bringing innovative features to breast pump rentals

If mothers need to rent a Symphony® hospital-grade breast pump, the PersonalFit™ PLUS rental pump set allows them to enjoy the benefits of Medela’s innovative PersonalFit™ PLUS range at home. This is because it has the same groundbreaking design as PersonalFit™ PLUS pump sets used in hospitals, all based on Medela’s unique research and expertise.4

For example, the breast shield’s oval shape and 105° opening angle improve its fit to support gentle pumping.4 On the subject of fit, it is important that mothers measure their nipple diameter before starting their breast pump rental. This is because the PersonalFit™ PLUS comes in a range of tunnel sizes to help optimise nipple fit. Our breast shield sizing guide for mothers explains how to do this.

It is easy to show mothers how to use the PersonalFit™ PLUS reusable rental pump set for Symphony® as it consists of just a few parts, that are larger and easier to handle than those of standard pump sets.1

In addition, all PersonalFit™ PLUS pump sets have integrated overflow protection (also referred to as a closed system) so mothers do not need to worry about milk entering the tubing or motor during use. This allows for more comfortable sitting positions while expressing.

PersonalFit™ PLUS breast pump sets: Tested and proven

When the PersonalFit™ PLUS was tested against the standard pump set in clinical trials, the results showed the following advantages.

More milk: The PersonalFit™ PLUS pump set obtained 11% more milk after 15 minutes of pumping,2 while breast drainage2 improved by 4% – significant, as a key principle of maintaining milk production is to drain the breast well.5

More comfort: Mothers who used the PersonalFit™ PLUS breast pump set described pumping as feeling more gentle and natural. In addition, 100% of the mothers who tested the PersonalFit™ PLUS breast shield positively evaluated its fit.3

More efficiency: Healthcare professionals recorded significant improvements in the cleaning and overall usability and handling of PersonalFit™ PLUS in a hospital setting.1 This also applies to use in the home environment, as the PersonalFit™ PLUS reusable rental pump set for Symphony® works in the same way.

Using the PersonalFit™ PLUS reusable rental pump set for Symphony® at home

Medela rental pump sets must be sanitised before being assembled and used for the first time, and once a day after that. Once assembled, the user can connect it to the Medela Symphony® rental breast pump and start pumping. The user should disassemble, clean and completely dry the PersonalFit™ PLUS reusable rental pump set for Symphony® after each pumping session. Full details are provided in the instructions for use, and there are also assembly and cleaning animations for mothers that show how easy the process is. 

Continuity of care for breast pump rental customers

Choosing a Medela Symphony® rental breast pump allows mothers to continue building and maintaining their breast milk supply in the comfort of their own homes,6–8 with the same double electric breast pump that they used in hospital. And when they pair the Symphony® with PersonalFit™ PLUS, they will be able to use the same pump set, too, with all the associated benefits. This can ultimately lead to more satisfied and loyal breast pump rental customers.

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Medela PersonalFit™ PLUS reusable rental pump set for Symphony®

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1 Clinical study. (NCT02496429). 2015.

2 Prime DK et al. 6th ABM Europe Conference, Rotterdam, NL; 2018

3 Clinical study. (NCT02492139). 2016.

4 Schlienger A et al. Breastfeed Med. 2016; 11(2):A28-A29.

5 Kent JC et al. J Obstet Gynecol Neonatal Nurs. 2012; 41(1):114–121.

6 Meier PP et al. J Perinatol. 2012; 32(2):103–110.

7 Post ED et al. J Perinatol. 2016; 36(1):47–51.

8 Torowicz DL et al. Breastfeed Med. 2015; 10(1):31–37.