Mum's Journey: Introducing Kirra

Kirra is a Mama, Women’s Wellbeing Coach, Certified Intuitive Healer, Yoga Teacher & former Registered Nurse. She is also the founder the amazing organization Women's Wellbeing with Kirra, that really shows mamas out there just how important it is to take care of not only your babies, but yourselves.

We recently had a chat with Kirra about all things Motherhood and Medela.

Let’s start with the basics. What’s it like being a mum?

I love being a mum! Sometimes I joke and say that working full-time is easier, although, I would not change it for the world. I was told I could not have children, so I appreciate each moment! I do find being a mum very rewarding. During the difficult times, I remind myself that these moments will pass, and they will not be little forever!

We know you love Medela products, tell us which is your favourite and why.

I absolutely love my Medela Swing Flex (now rebranded as the Solo™). It is simple and easy to use, and has always helped me produce a great amount of milk for my babies. I especially like that the swing is portable, with the option of using either batteries or a power cord. I find the Swing very comfortable, allowing me to produce a letdown with ease. I have successfully used the Swing with both my babies, and have had zero pain. To compare, I have tried other brands, however, my trusty Swing has always come out on top for me!

Breastfeeding. We all know it’s hard but tell us why you found it hard and how you overcame those issues.

My mother could not breast feed, and it was something I deeply desired to do. I told hospital staff that I was not leaving the maternity ward, until I felt completely comfortable breastfeeding my baby alone at home. This took 5 nights. I became overwhelmed with each midwife telling me a different method of how to feed. My saving grace was meeting a lactation consultant. She hit the nail on the head. I had no issues once I met with her. I am grateful to say that I have never had any pain breast feeding! I received advice from an older nurse full of wisdom to help with this. She told me to try filtered sunlight on my nipples to ‘toughen them up’. I actually think this has helped me!


When your daughter was in the NICU, tell us what it was like breastfeeding with your Swing. Why do you love that product so much?

My daughter went to the NICU when she was two days old for jaundice. I was determined to continue breast feeding her, but was unable to hold her. Therefore, I used the Medela Swing to express my colostrum to syringe feed. This was incredible. The Swing allowed me to produce so much colostrum that I had abundance!  I decided to donate my left-over colostrum to the hospital for other children in need. I love the Swing particularly because it is comfortable and easy to use, has never caused me pain and has always allowed me to produce a generous supply. Did you know, I even own two!


You have said your Swing helped to bring in your milk with your second child. Was your supply initially low?

My first baby was my test run, being a pivotal learning experience. This experience provided me with the knowledge and awareness of how to do things more comfortably the second time round. Due to my success of having an abundance of colostrum/milk with my daughter, I utilised this learning aid. I figured my Medela Swing helped me boost my supply initially, so why not do it again? This was another great success. My supply was brought in with ease and abundance once again!


Tell us what it was like as a Registered Nurse and your favourite part of that job involving mums and their babies.

I returned to work as an RN 6 months postpartum. It was difficult to achieve breast feeding breaks, but I always made sure I achieved them. I pumped three times per shift using the Medela Swing. I could never guarantee which location I would be able to pump, and this is where I found the Medela Swing's portable option so handy. The option of using batteries or a powercord helped me many times!

In my role as an RN, I dealt with lots of new mums and bubs. I found the most rewarding part of my job was having new mums confide in me with their biggest fears, struggles and emotions. I was able to provided empathy and reassure new mums that their emotions were both valid and normal. Being a new mum is life changing and society is conditioned to believe it is an easy job. It definitely isn’t easy and navigating your way through motherhood can require support to be nurtured during such a transformational period of your life. This is how I birthed ‘Women's Wellbeing With Kirra'.


Talk to us about Women’s Wellbeing with Kirra.

Due to my own transformational journey of motherhood, incorporating my learned wisdom over time with both my professional and personal life, I have created Women’s Wellbeing With Kirra. The intention behind this new soul led adventure is to provide support to women and new mums. I assist women and new mums on their own personal journey of transformation. I support women holistically to release what does not serve them, and implement action plans to become whole again. This coaching service is for women who are seeking depth in their life, who hold an open mind and are interested in healing on a soul level. I work with women who feel stressed, on the verge of breaking point, miserable, lost, dis-satisfied, and I teach women how to unconditionally love themselves, bring their power back and improve their daily lives.

You can find my service at: @womens_wellbeing_with_kirra or


Tell us three words you would use to describe Medela.

Simple. Easy. Economical.


Give us your top mental health tips to keep your body and mind healthy.

1. Attitude of gratitude. Excercising gratittude for the simplest things allows you to become more optimistic. It raises your frequency and allows you to receive more pleasant experiences in your reality!

2. Become aware of your thoughts. Are they painful past or worried future thoughts? Present moment mindfulness can help. Being present is so powerful as it gives you the opportunity to redirect your thoughts.

3. Release Fear. Holding fear is such a low vibration and only feeds that timeline. Important to release fear, and implement calming practices to bring you power back to yourself.


If you can give the mums out there reading this interview one piece of motherly advice, what would it be?  

Please, please take my advice! Do not get lazy like me and only breastfeed on one side. I have learned we have two boobs for a reason. Right now, I am suffering the consequences of only feeding on my right side. I currently have one DD boob, and one floppy pancake! Thank God I am beyond caring about body image! I did go to the doctor to get this checked, and yep, my mother instinct was confirmed- I became way too comfortable breastfeeding on my right!

Thank you kindly for reading my blog. I hope you can take some advice away that will assist you on your own journey!

Kirra quite obviously adored her Swing Flex™ 2 Phase Electric Breast Pump! We have recently changed the pump to include some upgrades, and it has now been reborn as the Solo™ Single Electric Breast Pump!

To learn more about Kirra and her experiences as a mother, and her business Women's Wellbeing with Kirra, follow the pages on Instagram.

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And make sure you download the Medela Family App to keep track of everything your baby needs!

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